
Osaka in Photos

On my 6th day in Japan, I really don’t have anything planned because I do have work. But what’s a good day to waste? I haven’t really explored Osaka that much during my first visit and as you know I am always pressed for time. So to me,...

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Chilling Around Seminyak Bali

We don't have any tiring activities lined up for this day. Just pure relaxation and chilling all day long. We started ...

Myanmar: Inle Lake

Finally!!! The last day on our Myanmar tour! Haha. It took me almost 2 years to finish this blog post but hey.. At ...

Anxiety and the Feeling of Helplessness in the Time of COVID-19

Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash It's been two weeks since the president ordered Metro Manila lockdown which has now ...

Touring Around Mandalay

Prior to this trip, I didn’t really know anything about Mandalay as well as Inle Lake. I just know that I need to ...

Myanmar: Mandalay Hill

Once we arrived in Mandalay, I already knew that this one is a whole lot different than our experience in Bagan. After ...

Myanmar: Bagan Day 2

It’s been almost 1 year and 6 months since we went to Myanmar and I am sooooooo delayed in writing this down. I can’t ...